

Hi there! I welcome you to another post. For today’s topic, I would like to go over the well known billiards companies. In a much earlier post, I went over Brunswick. Well, I would like to expand on that and give 2 more companies as well: Olhausen and Aramith.


Hi there! For those of you who are from or anywhere near East Lansing, Michigan, USA and trying to find places to shoot pool, I can make a recommendation. There’s a pool hall called The Riv where you can shoot pool for free on Tuesdays. Not only can you shoot pool for free, but you


Hi folks! This post will be short where I’ll share with you Facebook post on a glass pool table. If you’re interested and want to get an “inside scoop” into what this table is about, you can check that out below:


Hi folks! Today’s post will be short and to the point where I’ll show you another way of using the head of the bridgestick to better your aim at shooting pool. I found this on Pinterest and hope it works out for you. Although, it is not a legal move to use during tournaments, I


Hi everyone! In today’s post, I’ll go over a set of pool balls that are made of marble. Now, these kinds of pool balls are similar and in relation to a lighter version of the swirl pool balls that I have done a review on in an earlier post. But, since the nature of human


Hi there! I hope you are all doing well. In this post, I’ll go over a billiards ball decal that you can put on your wall of your game room, man cave, etc.


Hi all! In this post, I’ll keep it short and show you a vidoe of the force follow shot that is needed to be learned to be a better player in shooting pool. It is called a force follow shot where the demonstrator goes over the several types of shots after striking the cue ball


Hi folks! It’s been a while since I have done a product review on this site. And, I would like to introduce you to gaming product that’s worth being promoted on this site.


Hi Folks! This will be a short post where I’ll share with you a Twitter feed that involves a mini billiards game. The players here takes this game very seriously and, in the end, is all for laughs. Enjoy!


Browse through any antique shop and you will marvel at the durability of handmade family heirlooms that stand the test of time. A billiards table is no different. A solid frame built with quality materials can outlast tables that are chic but made cheaply solely to fit your decor. A few quick hints: quality doesn’t