Hello there! Today’s post will be a product that can help in scoring. Do you find trouble keeping track how many bullseyes have been made or do you how many times the darts have have been missing the dartboard all together? Well, this product can help in keeping track of scores not only in darts, but also in cricket, or in any game that you desire to play.
Product Description
Introducing the Dry Erase Scoreboard by Viper. This product is sold on Amazon and you can choose either a small or large size (as seen above). Additional details are as follows:
- Price: $19.99
- Where to buy: Amazon.com
- Size: (23.5″ H x 15.5″ W)
- Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN): B01513M0XA
- Item weight: 1.55 lbs
- Orientation: Portrait
Product described by Viper:

Customer Testimonials
The rating of this product is currently at 4.6 stars out of 5. There are also 801 verified customer reviewers who gave this rating. Here are what 2 customers had to say in regards to this dry erase board:

I have promoted another scoreboard that you can check out as well. The only difference is that scoreboard uses a chalkboard while this one uses an erasable marker. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return it to Amazon, and you’ll be able to get a full refund within 30 days of receiving it. Amazon will try and do everything they can to make you a satisfied and a repeat customer of their company.
In Closing
I hope that you enjoyed reading this post. Whenever possible, you may add your thoughts in the comments box below. I look forward to hearing what you all have to say and will see you again in the next post. Cheers!