Hello everyone! Today’s post will be about a pool cue where you’ll find very durable and reliable. Do you find hands slipping when you’re trying to aim for the cue ball? Well I may have just the solution for you.
About the Irish Linen Wrap Cue
Introducing the 2-Piece Billiard Pool Cue Stick by AB Earth. This is only 1 cue that separates into 2 pieces that can be found on Amazon. Here are other features that are associated with this product:
- Price: $49.99 + free shipping
- Where to buy: Amazon.com
- Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN): B082LYWRT5
- Package Includes: 1 pool cue.
- Good looking stained maple forearm and sleeve.
- 100% pure select Canadian Hard Rock Maple shaft.
- Genuine Black & White double-pressed Irish linen wrap for a classic, slip-free grip.
- Shining Stainless Steel 5/16″ X 18 Threaded Joint, 13mm durable Leather tip, 58″ in length.

Buyer Testimonials
The review of this product is at 4.8 stars out of 5 from 23 verified customers who used this product. This rating is enough for me to promote this product on this site. In addition, I have taken a snapshot of a couple of feedback of what they have to say:

As you can see, these 2 reviewers have put some depth in their testimonials. If you have this in your possession and your experience with using this product don’t fit what the reviews, then you may return it for a full refund within 30 days of receiving it. Amazon is dedicated to your satisfaction and will do whatever it takes for you to make it right to make you a satisfied and a repeat customer of theirs company.
In Closing
I hope that you find this product and post to be informative and enjoyable. And, I also hope that you find this product helpful too. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments box below. I look forward to hearing what you all have to say and will see you again in the next post. Cheers!
->Click here for the Irish linen wrap cues