Hello everyone! Today’s post will be another promotion of a pool table accessory. This promotion will be about a different variation of pool balls that has a soccer theme to it.
About the Soccer Pool Ball Set
This product is found on Amazon and here are the features:
- Price: $195.00 plus free shipping
- Where to buy: Amazon.com
- Manufacturer : American Challenge
- Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) : B01DL1SCPY
- All Balls are Size 4, Hand Sewn and Guaranteed for 6 Months against manufacturing defects; Valve, Bladder, Shape and Stitching
- Gloss outer casing material with Butyl bladder – hold air for 2+ months
- 3 Layers of cotton lining, pre-stretched polyester thread

Customer Reviews
The product has a rating of 4.9 stars out of 5 from 25 verified customers. In addition, if you are not satisfied with your purchase of this product, you may return it for a full refund with 30 days of receiving it.
Because of the almost perfect perfect review, I thought that I’d promote this product. Since this site is about variety in billiards and gaming, I feel that it’s fitting for this product to be put on this site as well. Here are what some customers had to say in regards to this product:

In Conclusion
I hope that you enjoyed reading this post and have found it to be informative. If you like to add your thoughts about this post, you may do so in the comments box below. I look forward to hearing what you all have to say and will see you again in the next post. Cheers!