Hi there! Today’s post will be about a film that has something to do with billiards. It is called Heartbreak, which is a fictional movie, that stars Brett Rice, Jane Park Smith, and Dennis Rice. You can check this out on Amazon.
About the Film
The movie is being described as:

Additional Information

In addition, you can watch the trailer, rent, own, or buy in a DVD format. Rent costs $4.99, purchase costs $7.99 and owning it on DVD costs $13.99.
Customer Reviews
There were 11 verified customers who gave this product a rating of 5 stars out of 5. For the record, I have not seen this movie yet. But, once I get the chance to, I will. To quote one of the customers’ comments, one favorable review was being stated as, “Valuable insight into the world of playing pool.”
Another customer said, “Inspirational movie about forgiveness, mentorship, and working hard to reach dreams.” If you’re being cautious about spending money on this, I would recommend watching the trailer first. If you are inspired by that, I would then suggest renting or owning it. Since the reviews on Amazon are mostly unbiased, I decided to promote this product on this site.
In Conclusion
I hope that you liked reading this post. If you did, feel free to add your thoughts in the comments box below. I look forward to hearing what you all have to say and will see again in the next post. Cheers!