The Difference Between Billiards and Pool, Revisited

Hello world! I hope you are all doing fine. Today’s post will be a short one where I show you a video describing the difference between billiards and pool that you can see below. But, before I do that, I would like to direct you to an earlier post on what I made a while back that describes the difference between the two.

The Difference Between Pool and Billiards

Had I known about this video in the past, I would have posted this with that earlier post. I hope that the video has given you a clear definition between billiards and pool. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments box below. I look forward to seeing again in the next post. Cheers!


  1. // Reply

    Who knew?!? When we were looking to buy a house, we were walking through a very nice house. This house had many of the things we were looking for. But when we walked down the 14 stairs to the lower level, I rounded the corner and in front of me was a beautiful pool table! That house is now ours! The had me at the pool table!

    Thank you for the great information!

    1. // Reply

      Hi Teresa! I am happy to hear that you have found a nice house that’s to your liking. So, the pool table got you sold, huh? Maybe we can get a game sometime. Though, I would prefer to play stripes and solids, but I am open to suggestion. I thank you for stopping by and perhaps to see you again. Cheers!

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