Hi there! Today’s post will be a promotion of a billiards product. This will be more of a focus on a billiards accessory. I have a question to ask you, is your cue ball in need of a replacement? If so, then look no further.
The Cue Ball Description
This product is called the Regulation Billiard Cue Ball by Iszy Billiards. This is product can be found on Amazon and the description of this cue ball are as follows:
- Product Dimensions : 10 x 3 x 10 inches; 6 Ounces
- Item model number : E41244-reg
- Manufacturer : Iszy Billiards
- Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN): B0060BCOPW
- Package length: 5.08 cm
- Package width: 8.128 cm
- Package height: 6.096 cm
- Product Type: SPORTING GOODS
Customer Reviews
The rating of this product is currently at 4.6 stars out of 5 from 287 verified customers. Because of this rating, and the fact that cue balls need to be replaced (unless you don’t use too often) has prompted me to promote this product on this site. Here are what 2 customers had to say in regards to this cue ball:

The return policy of this product is at 30 days from the time you receive this product. You may return it for a full refund of your purchase of this cue ball should anything be wrong with it. Amazon is dedicated to your satisfaction and will do everything right and to make sure that you are a repeat customer with their company.
In Conclusion
I hope that you found this post to be informative and are considering investing in a product like this. This product is also a necessity especially if you shoot pool a lot and the ball slips off the table and lands on the floor. If you like what you read on this post, you may add your thoughts in the comments box below. I look forward to hearing what you all have to say and will see you again in the next post. Cheers!